We are an Amazon Partnered Carrier for Inbound shipments. This allows us to manage and control the appointment schedules for your appointment based deliveries. We are also able to get Spot rates with most of the major LTL Carriers, which we will optimize by delivery locations.
Specialized in e-Commerce warehouse distribution. Service include Inventory count, pick and pack, palatalizing, labeling, etc. E-commerce return cargo service for our VIP customers, live tracking inventory from the client’s end . We Specialize in e-Commerce warehouse distribution.
Specialized in heavy haul with truck, rail, barge, vessel services Record of handing single piece with 1,700,000 kgs Project team with 30 years experience on oversized cargo Providing on-site supervision for particular projects
Our office are able to provide ISF filling, ACE/AES filling Our offices in U.S.A, are capable of performing customs brokerage services that covers the domestic, Alaska and Hawaii for our customers. Our customs Brokerage service is experience when dealing with FDA. Our customs brokerage service also includes purchase annual/single bonds, cargo insurances etc.
IWin Group Crop is a U.S. based fully insured NVOCC (non-vessel operation common carrier). We will arrange Ocean freight services and the right transportation routes so that your cargo arrives at the optimal time.